CHF 200.-
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Birthday parties for children in Lugano-Ticino 2022, organization of themed birthday parties for children in Ticino in Lugano Sankt Moritz, fantastic parties for children, sweet original personalized tables and spectacular cakes in Cake Design, spiderman themed parties, avengers, hot wheels, toy cars, pirates, sirens, disney princesses, frozen, harry potter, paw patrol, minecraft party Lugano, spiderman party Sankt Moritz.
Organization of parties and events for children throughout central-northern Italy and Grisons - Ticino Switzerland, call Luxevent tel. +39 3289651345 to speak with one of our consultants who will follow you and advise you on the best solution for your company, or send an email indicating the date, place and specific request for entertainment for children at children's birthday parties in Ticino in: lugano, mendrisio Sankt MoritzLuxevent Sankt Moritz-Lugano-Ticino 2022, organization of themed birthday parties for children in Ticino in Lugano
Many other themes are available, we organize exclusive parties in Lugano for children with animation programs and customized set-ups with the Event planner Giuseppe Luxevent tel. +39 3289651345.
Organization of parties and events for children throughout central-northern Italy and Graubünden - Ticino Switzerland, call Luxevent at tel. +39 3289651345 to speak with one of our consultants who will follow you and recommend the best solution for your company, or send an email indicating the date, place and specific request for entertainment for children at birthday parties for children in Ticino in: lugano, mendrisio , agno, vezia, bellinzona, castione, biasca, ascona, locarno, ambri, campedino, vezia, locarno.Sankt Moritz
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CHF 200.-
Città: Lugano
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